“The website has grown 10-11x in the last year, since we started with AdScale”

The Ed Hardy website came to AdScale Plus after bad experiences with agencies, thinking that they might not be able to scale their online store. The results? With AdScale Plus’s AI they boosted their revenue 11x and reached a 1200% ROAS in under one year!

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Create your own e-commerce website success story with AdScale

Grow your business and increase revenue

Drive the most relevant traffic to your store, using smart store data analysis and insights from millions of active advertising campaigns.

Save management time and costs

Outperform your competition with AdScale’s AI algorithms. Automatically optimize your advertising campaigns, like no human can.

Fully automate your paid advertising

Automate the creation and optimization of all advertising campaigns on Google & Facebook ads, using a single platform. Your own e-сommerce website success story is in your hands.

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